Summer Undergraduate Internship

*Our summer 2024 interns have already been selected. Please check back in the fall for summer 2025 application information.

We are on the lookout for fun, motivated college students. Whether it’s for class credit, personal interest, or because your mom made you do it, our internship is a fun and unique opportunity for anyone interested in the field of psychology and who wants to gain firsthand experience of how a psychology practice works. 

We accept all applications, but a typical candidate is an undergraduate psychology major going into their senior year of college. This is an ideal opportunity for a student who plans to attend graduate school but isn’t quite sure the direction that’s best for them; master’s or doctorate, psychology, counseling or social work, etc. The internship is unpaid and typically runs for 8-10 weeks.

img motivated college students

What to expect as an intern

Expect to have fun. From the minute you walk into our building you can tell it’s not your average office. You’ll see games for clients to play while they wait, movie posters on the walls, and caricatures outside our offices. We take our fun just as seriously as we take our work.

Expect to attend staff meetings. We meet as a staff every Thursday during lunch. The meetings can be a really cool opportunity to get a behind the scenes look at what goes on in a private practice.

Expect to learn a lot and make connections. You’ll get an inside look at a real, live, private practice. You will be surrounded by many clinicians who are experts in their fields and took different paths to get there. They are always happy to share their hard-earned knowledge with you. There will also be regular intern meetings where clinicians will focus on subjects like grad school prep or subfields in psychology. The more you put into this internship, the more you will get out of it. There will be opportunities to work with clinicians individually on special projects or research. Say you’re interested in trauma or early childhood – we can team you up with clinicians who specialize in that field, so you get the most out of your internship.

Expect to be given a variety of tasks. Typical intern tasks include researching topics, informal lit reviews, creating worksheets, creating presentations, database entry, project collaboration with clinicians, and more. In addition to clinical tasks, you’ll be assigned tasks related to marketing and relationship building, essential activities of growing a private practice. Expect to get pretty good with the photocopier, but also expect to get stimulating and challenging tasks that will require your input and own ideas.

If you think you would be a good fit for our internship program, we encourage you to apply!

To apply, submit a cover letter and resume containing the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your school and major
  • Your estimated availability
  • Relevant psychology experience (research or otherwise) – This is not required, but when you’ve got it, flaunt it, right?
  • Additional skills – Are you great with kids? Do you have experience developing social media content? Are you a world record holder? Tell us about it.
  • How did you hear about our internship program and what made you want to apply?


Please email if you have questions or would like to apply.

*If you or a family member are a current client with Southeast Psych, you are not eligible to apply for an internship.

Finish your academic journey

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